Lunch, Study Hall, Before Care, Free Choice, Tutor Room Fee: $7.00 per hour.
Instructional Classes: Class rates vary depending on age and the number of hours of enrollment. The more classes taken, the less the hourly cost.
Tuition at Leaves is based on age and the number of hours a student is enrolled per week. This means that it’s possible that each child in your family could pay a different rate. LOL is in session for 34 weeks; families pay only for the weeks that LOL is in session—not for breaks.
*Students age 6-9 pay a lower yearly total than students age 10-13 because they have fewer instructional class hours and more supervised Free Choice hours, which are billed at the $7/hour rate rather than the instructional rate.
Little Sprouts Tuition
Registration is completed online, on a first-come, first-served basis. Class selections are reserved when membership and material fees are received. In order to reserve a spot in classes, we require families to pay the following:
Membership fee: $125 per student
Yearly material fees: Each class has an associated material fee which is used by the teacher to purchase class supplies. The average fee is $50, but classes using more materials (Science, Cooking, Art) will be higher. Material fees for the 34 weeks of classes are due upon registration. The material fees are not refundable.
Other Fees and Expenses
Family job opt-out fee: If you choose to opt-out of family job hours (see below), you’ll pay $30 -$300 per year. (We use these funds to pay families to take on extra jobs.)
Books: Class dependent
Advanced level class fee:
A one-time fee of $100 is assessed to honors and advanced classes meeting once a week ($200 for honors and advanced classes meeting twice per week). This is necessary to cover costs, as these classes are naturally smaller in size than regular classes. This fee is non-refundable.
Family Job Fee:To keep our tuition rates at a minimum, we require every family either to be responsible for a specific job or to pay a family fee. The fee enables us to hire others to perform the needed work and is billed monthly. As family jobs vary, each job is assigned a “point value” based on the effort required. (“Points” are not equal to hours.) Families will choose their job(s) online over the summer at SignUpGenius. For families with more than one child at Leaves, add enrolled classroom hours (not Lunch, Study Hall, Before Care, Free Choice, Tutoring Room Fee) for all your students to come up with your total.
Fee/point schedule per enrolled classroom hours
1 – 3.5 enrolled class hours = 2 job points or $30/year
3.75 – 6.5 enrolled class hours = 5 job points or $75/year
6.75 – 9.5 enrolled class hours = 10 job points or $150/year
9.75 – 12.75 enrolled class hours = 15 job points or $225/year
13+ enrolled class hours = 20 job points or $300/year
Limited scholarship funds are available for returning LOL students whose families have true financial need. An independent agency, FACTS, compiles family financial information and makes scholarship recommendations. Scholarship applications may be submitted from March 1 through May 1. To apply, please click here.